David Witt

Web developer, advocate, and unremarkable writer

A bit about me

I am a seasoned technical lead and developer advocate with a passion for empowering developers and driving exceptional developer experiences.

With a strong background in full stack engineering and expertise in front-end development, I have led successful projects, mentored teams, and delivered innovative solutions for renowned brands.

I build the Space Madness stack to leverage some amazing tech and stitch together ideas in a bidirectionally linked content map. It powers this site, as well as Poly Love Life where I write educational content about polyamory.

When I'm not working, I dabble in the dark arts of creative writing, Olympic weightlifting, and exploring the majestic PNW.

In the past I've done some things...


Senior Developer Advocate

Worked on the Hydrogen team to iterate on developer feedback to improve DX

Lead in person and online workshops teaching people about Shopify development and Hydrogen. Wrote guides, tutorials, and documentation for shopify.dev

Advocated for unifying developer experience across all our JavaScript packages, libraries, and templates

Shopify Workshops homepage

Shopify Workshops

site built to deliver long form tutorial content for the Shopify developer community

Built a custom AST parser for to convert tutorial text to interactive, multistep tutorials

Focused on the authoring experience to lower the barrier to entry for anyone to write a workshop

Hydrogen Tutorial Series homepage

Hydrogen Tutorial Series

Built the Setup, Product Page, and Cart tutorials in the Build a Hydrogen Storefront series

Worked with the team to teach framework principles within the tutorials: <Link> components, defer loaders, URLSearchParam state machines, action functions, and Suspense/Await


Senior Technical Lead

Lead full stack engineering for site builds and improvement projects

Ran Tech Lead innovation meeting to gather feedback and improve developer quality of life & quality of work

Created an improved content creation workflow within the Salesforce Commerce Cloud admin dashboard

Directed production releases, hotfixes, and long running project improvements

Therabody homepage


Technical Lead for all web and ecommerce features for Therabody

Built composable content authoring system to empower marketers to create their own pages and elements

Built all Product List and Product Page functionality, including filters, sorting, bundles, and promotions

Coordinated regional site launches in the UK, EU, Canada, and Australia

Coordinated design and delivery of Athletes page components, empowering content creators to publish highly interactive and animated pages without a developer

Saje homepage


Technical Lead for all web and ecommerce features for Saje

Rebuilt Product Page and Cart Page, iteratively moving the site to a new design system

Refactored premium promotion, gift with purchase, and standard discount promotion engine

Trusted by talented folks at...

Want to work together?

If you want to hire me to build your next site with , reach out to me on Twitter or LinkedIn.